Reading for TGB

The working title for Tobias's book is sort of awful, so I'm not even using it in my own head. If I'm brutally honest, I've been thinking of it as TGB, which stands for The Goldfish Book. That's weird on a few levels, I'll admit, not the least of which is that so far there are zero actual goldfishes in the story. There's a reference though, so I'm not just grabbing random words out of the ether, I promise. Maybe one day I'll explain the story behind the fake/real working title, but it won't be any time soon, because it definitely won't make sense to anyone who hasn't read the manuscript. 

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Sidney Bell Comments
Conversation Saturdays and The Last of Bad Judgment

Hello all! 

As you may have seen on my homepage, now that we're a couple months away from the release of Loose Cannon, I've decided to repeat the pre-release weekend excerpt/teaser thing that I did last year when Bad Judgment came out. That means that for each of the Saturdays in February and March, I'll be posting a small teaser for Loose Cannon on my Facebook page. You can find that here

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Character Development

I'm gonna talk a little bit about character development today. Mostly because it's what I've been working on all week and it's lodged in my brain, but also because I just want to. I guess I'd be in the wrong job if I didn't think this crap was interesting. I can't imagine this will be all that interesting to most of you, but I promise I'll get back to my usual office supply store posts sooner or later. ;D

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